Sunday, December 7, 2014

how to stop classroom hunger

Quite recently i have seen the response for ice bucket challenge and how people went gaga over the idea. This possibly couldn't have been possible without the advent of social networking platforms. The nomination works since most of them are feeling it to be a responsibility when others had no problem taking it up in the same lines. I would suggest we form a chain of nominations which would go viral to spread the help.A simple start would be to :

- Provide statistics on how much money is needed to sponsor a child for a few months - monthly/quarterly/annually.  I saw a post very recently that it would take very less amount to feed a child a month. Since many are not aware of this the initiative to sponsor is not generating as much as required.

- Open an Akshayapatra account for funds

- Start Nominations and make it viral - #1plate

- If this can be taken up state wise independently and if we are able to provide statistics as to which state was able to first cover all the childrens in its region, it would make this strategy more competitive and motivated.